Friday, March 7, 2014

Heat Free Methods for Kinky Hair

Heat free Hair

Shrinkage getting you down? There are several ways to stretch your curls without the risk of heat damage. Stretching your kinky hair  is easy and simple. Remember, thirsty hair shrinks. When your hair is dry, it tends to suck moisture out of the air, causing your style to shrink. To avoid a shrunken style, be sure to only style moisturized hair.

Twistout Twice – I twist my damp hair, then allow it to dry 95%. At this point I untwist, and retwist each section with oily fingers. The result is a more stretched twist, and twistout. This is an easy, and heat free way to achieve a stretched style. This is how I stretch my kinks 70% of the time. I do this on freshly washed hair. If I am between washes, and I want to refresh my hair,  I fill a water bottle with water, a leave-in conditioner, and a bit of oil and moisten each section before I twist it.

Banding- African Banding is a great method for all naturals. Transitioning naturals can band their new growth, helping to blend their new growth, with scab hair. By pulling damp, or dry air taught for a few ours, you can stretch your hair heat free. This method is easy and can be done with hair clips, hair bands, string, or thread. Simply wrap the string or hair band tightly around medium to small sections of hair. 

Pineapple / mini pineapples – Curly girls with shorter hair can use mini pineapples, or small ponytails to stretch their kinky roots. Pulling your moisturized hair in ponytails can help stretch your hair, and preserve your twist out or braid out overnight. Just remove the hair clip, shake, and go! Be careful not to pull your hair to tight, and be sure to moisturize your hairline daily to avoid breakage.  

Roller/ Rod Set – There is some debate weather type 4 curls girls, can achieve a smooth roller set.  It is  possible! Be sure to deep condition before setting your hair, use a setting lotion, and small/medium rods, or rollers. Seal in your wash day moisture using oils, and butters. Most importantly, once your happy with your style, keep your hands out of it. This will help minimize frizz, & maximize hold.

Braidout /Twistout -  What else can I say about this staple natural hairstyle? Easy, versatile, and looks good on any texture hair. When all else fails, toss your curls in 10-20 braids/twist. Unravel with oily fingers, shake and enjoy!

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