Monday, September 9, 2013

4 Trimming Methods for Curly Hair

Keep Those Ends In Check!

1.  Blow Out Hair and Trim Dry-  Cut the hair when it’s straight (or at least stretched with the heat of a blow dryer). This technique is  highly recommended for a proper trim by many stylist. The Stylist can accurately gauge full hair length and extent of split ends. This should be done 2 times a year to minimize tangels, knots, and breakage. 
2. Clipping Curly Hair Wet – Some prefer this technique because the hair is flexible and can be stretched and detangled for trimming.  The downside is that you can’t see ends that need to be removed or the actual shape of your hair.  Curly hair is ribbon shaped. Depending on your curl pattern this technique may work best for you. 
3.  Dusting – There are many Youtube tutorials on this technique.  The hair is plaited in two-strand twist and the ends of the twist are cut.  I use this method every 3 months. Not only is it impossible to see what you’re cutting but your hair will be different lengths.   This is the best way to get helmet shape hair where the hair is flat in the back and lacks movement.  I don’t recommend this as your only method of trimming your ends, But it helps in between trims, keeping ends healthy and knot free in between major cuts.
4. Dry Cutting- which is cutting your hair while it is curly and dry. This method is for shape-styling curly/coily hair. Some believe is the best method if you always wear your hair in its natural curl pattern state. This method is great if you are looking to cut those perfect curly bangs. 

happy trimming curlies! 

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