Sunday, July 28, 2013

Master that Twistout!!

Master That Twistout!!

Here are a few tips to help you master that Twistout! It took me a year before I figured the best way to twist my hair for coils, and chunky curls.  The most important tip I can give is to  ensure your hair is conditioned and moisturized. No one likes a dry twistout, Dry twistout do not last as long. IF your twistout becomes dry, moisturize with a DIY detangling lotion, water, or butters.  For soft bouncy coils, be sure to seal your ends using oils, water and butters. and cover your hair every night. When the  twistout definition fades, you can try other styles with your textured hair. After a twist out I wear a curly afro, a curly puff,  pull it into a fro hawk, or re twist.

A twistout will take upwards of 30 mins

You will need


Medium  Twists (Unstyled) 
I untwisted a few in the back for you to see the curl definition on my 4c hair. 

Bigger Twists

Made larger twist, unravel and clipped half up. Notice the curls are more chunky, and less defined. My hair is stretched, and bouncy. 

**Be sure to take your time, smoothing your hair from tip to root, the smoother  your twist, the better your twist out.

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