Sunday, June 15, 2014

I went natural, Now What

I went natural, Now What

So you did it! You did the big chop, or you canceled your next relaxer, indefinitely. Congratulations!
So Now What?

Expect some looks. If you wore your hair long and straight all your life, it is only natural for those around you to react to your big chop. Some will be shocked. Some will be pleased, others will be confused. The only thing that matters, is
how you feel. After big chopping many curly girls report a feeling of lightness, easygoing, and euphoria. The ease of a twa, and the simplicity of maintaining shorter hair often leaves women with more time for other things as opposed to hours in a salon.

Black Girls Get Tangles. Yes Our curly hair will tangle. As your hair grows be prepared to spend more, and more time keeping your strands from wrapping around themselves, and each other. You will find what works best to detangle your hair, while limiting breakage. Many curly girls toss out the combs, and opt for their fingers when detangling. To limit tangles keep your hair stretched or your ends gathered together.

What Styles to do? If you let your hair grow out, you can blend your relaxed ends with any new growth using twistouts, braidouts, and bantu knots.  Keeping ends tucked away, in a bun, or braids are also another option. Some girls choose to wear extensions, or wigs while they transition. Do what is best for you and your lifestyle. If you use protective styles, like weaves, and wigs, be sure to moisturized your curls daily to prevent breakage. If you big chopped you can also do twists,  and finger coils on your short strands. Adding a fly accessory can jazz up hairstyle. Flowers, bows, headbands, and clips can all you pull your look together from head to toe. Take pictures often. It helps you track your progress. It can also serve as inspiration for you on days when your curls are giving you a hard time. 

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